Bureau of Military History Collection

1913 - 1921


The Bureau of Military History Collection, 1913-1921 consists of over 1700 witness statements; 334 sets of contemporary documents; 42 sets of photographs and 13 voice recordings that were collected by the State between 1947 and 1957. The Bureau is among the most important primary sources of information on this period available anywhere in the world. The bureau’s official brief was

‘to assemble and co-ordinate material to form the basis for the compilation of the history of the movement for Independence from the formation of the Irish Volunteers on 25th November 1913, to the 11th July 1921’ (report of the Director, 1957).


Thomas Donnellan, BMH WS/1378, Military Archives, Ireland

Patrick Walsh, BMH WS, 1329, Military Archives, Ireland

Thomas Nohilly, BMH WS/1437, Military Archives, Ireland 

Michael J Ryan, BMH, WS/1320, Military Archives, Ireland

John ‘Dick’ Conway, BMH, WS/1201, Military Archives, Ireland

John Patrick McCormack, BMH, WS/1400, Military Archives, Ireland

Martin Ryan, BMH, WS/1417, Military Archives, Ireland

Roger Rabbitte, BMH, WS/1490, Military Archives, Ireland

Patrick Dunleavy, BMH, WS/1489, Military Archives, Ireland

Sean O’Neill, BMH, WS/1219, Military Archives, Ireland

Thomas Mannion, BMH, WS/1408, Military Archives, Ireland




This page was added on 23/05/2017.

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