There was once a woman and a cat and she left a jug of milk in the table and (while) she was out in the yard and when she was out the cat put his head down in the jug and when the woman came in she used the milk and got a disease and she asked all the doctors in the world to cure her but they failed. So there were two men fighting one day and one of the men pulled the eyes out of the other and the man that had no eyes he did not know where to go or what he was doing. So what do you think did he do but to sit under a barrel so a hundred and forty nine cats and the oldest of them went talking to the man that was under the barrel and brought him over to a corner. There was a man out in the road and when he heard them going he ran in and went under the barrel so they started to talk about the woman that had the disease and if you be good and not tell anyone I will give you a cure. So the man under the barrel listening to the cure. The cat told him to go to a well and bring her a bottle of the water and when she drinks it she will be cured. So the man under the barrel went to the well and got the water and when she drank she was cured. So she gave him much money and then he was very rich. He got married to a lady with a very big pension and then he was richer. So one day he met a man who knew him before and asked him where did you get all the money that you seem to have. Well I will tell you if you promise me you will not tell anyone else and then he told him the secret and he did the same thing. He went under the barrel and when the cat came out to tell the other man he said “I will not tell you” because there was someone listening the last time and one of the small cats said “lets search under everywhere first” and they had searched everywhere but had not searched under the barrel. So one of the cats said “We did not look under the barrel”. He looked under the barrel and they found the man under it, they pulled him out and skinned him and hung him up on a tree.
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